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Posted on Jan 10, 2006

For Sale?  No.

Objective: To grow intelligent organs in intelligent bodies from identical digital stem cells without linear array set or post-processing.

Investigating the potential 7-dimensional BIM, this project establishes an ever-changing search space in which to employ a stratification of sculpted numerical and geometrical randomness in a resonant eugenic single-celled generative automation.  This stem-cell recursively duplicates, splits, and mutates under multi-dimensional distortion while self-mutilating to isolate regional topological growth, eventually shedding aged generational cells adn producing individual but intelligent organs situated in an overall organic structure on multiple transgenic levels.

Awards and Exhibitions:  Honorable Mention, Evolo Competition 2006.  SICA Exhibit 2007.


Awards and Exhibitions:  Honorable Mention, Evolo Competition 2006.  SICA Exhibit 2007.